Thursday, August 27, 2015

The reason behind the blog

We live in a hectic time. Everyone's schedules are busy. With work, kids, school activities, social events, relationships, money concerns (kids kicking you as you type) and everyday pressures of life, we often get caught up the rat race. I am a mommy of 8 beautiful children, ranging in age from 14 months o 16 years, who some of which are shuffled between their mother's home and ours. My family is my world and I wouldn't take it back even with all the heartache. My husband works very hard to support, in essence, 2 families.

My life is in no way simple but that is why I am starting this blog! My goal is to eventually move to Oregon/Idaho area and start our little homestead. I need to simplify! (This all stems from being phoneless for almost a full 24 hours!) Now, if you think I was raised this way your assumption couldn't be farther from the truth. Like many, I was raised by my mom (Melissa) who did what she could. We moved, a lot. My dad was always on time with child support and I got to spend some time with him each winter break. At 14 I ended up with my dad's ex girlfriend (Karen) and after much heartache, that I caused, we came to a place that she became my mom.

Stay with me here, it gets interesting.

You could say I was somewhat of a troubled teen. I snuck out (got caught every time), did the investigating of things I shouldn't have and was downright disrespectful. After all the turmoil, Karen-Mom became my best friend. During my freshman year of high school I met my 1st heartbreak. In my mind, we were on again off again but very serious. I really thought he was it, so as you can imagine, when this imploded my world came crashing down. Shortly after, Karen-Mom and I moved to Yosemite National Park the summer before my junior year, where I attended adult school until I graduated. After meeting my 2nd heartbreak, in a dress (him not me), things got serious and again I thought this was it. After what seemed like a long 2 years this relationship ended. This one was definitely my fault. I attended a culinary school in San Francisco and graduated with an AA Degree in Hospitality Restaurant Management. I was able to use my degree for a short while when Karen-Mom and my older brother started a restaurant/bar. About this time I met my first husband. We'll call him "the man" (part of his nickname back then). He was 8 years older than me and for lack of better words, not really my style. I believed I loved him and I may have at some point. Looking back our short "marriage" I am grateful for the trials I had and the lessons learned.

At 21 years old I enlisted into the Air National Guard. I found out just after graduating Basic Training that husband had not been faithful. That was the end of that. This girl doesn't share her man! I came back home to work at the bar/restaurant and met a guy (surprise surprise). I was ordered to serve on the Mexico/California border mission and was ecstatic. I was able to be part of a greater good. well, the guy came along and, as i'm sure you've guessed already, I ended up pregnant. I was about 5 1/2 months along when I was sent back to my home station. My first child, Paige, was the most perfect thing ever born (of course im going to say that, im her mom). She was born easily without any issues and was gone, without explanation, 29 days later. All I know is that she is in my Heavenly Fathers arms waiting for me.  Before Paige passed I had met up with an old friend who was with me the morning she was called home to Heaven. I know now we got together out of grief, which is bad. Trust me. We were "serious" also. That ended, badly, just before I made the switch to the Army Reserve.

I was in a bad place and looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. Although I absolutely loved the Army I never found my niche. I was going through the motions daily looking for something. Well, I found something. Another relationship. this time with a family friend who was once again, not my style, in an entirely different way that my ex husband but not any better. Im not trying to make these people look bad by any means. We all have our pitfalls. Im just saying that these people and I were not even in the same book let alone on the same page. Things again fell apart and I ended up running off to a training and found yet another guy. Oh boy, this one is a doozy. He ended up doing me really wrong. We wont get into details here. That ended after only 6ish months.

Ok, im sure this is making me sound terrible but ive got to lay it all out there so you know why im starting this blog.

So, I was introduced to another guy and only a few short months into dating I became pregnant again. Everything happens for a reason and thank goodness for her. I was headed down a very dark path as I had not gotten over the death of my first daughter. Paige consumed my every waking moment and every aspect of my life. I didn't know how to deal with her loss. I was confused and angry about why such a beautiful person had been given to me and what I did wrong to have her ripped from my arms.

My second baby (from my womb) is now 5 and started Kindergarten this year (half days stink). When she was 3 months old I met the last man I will ever be with. I've already made this absolutely clear to him (ie. someone will be 6 feet under before this relationship fails!). I love my husband to pieces and could not imagine life (or an eternity) without him. Since we got married, I have welcomed 5 children from his previous marriage into our once small family and we have added two of our own to the mix. Our youngest son is 14 months old but has some issues and is developmentally only about 6 months old. He is improving but has his setbacks as well. 

So we are a family of 10 with a dog, 2 turkeys and 21 chickens. We currently live in a small home in southern California and as much as I love this state, I am ready to leave! This is my story in a nutshell. Can you blame me for wanting a simpler life?

If you follow this blog I will update as often as my busy stay-at-home mom schedule (and my children) let me. I've got some learning to do and id like some company along the way! If you'd like to learn with me then follow my blog. If you'd like share any thoughts or opinions you can reach me at

Lets downsize the crazy in our lives and try to follow the rules to living a simpler life.

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